Jun Yasumotos Phyto-Purification Bathroom is a nice design draft of a very small, very local, very closed-cycle, ecologically engineered private bathroom system. The aim of it was, to “bring to public knowledge this kind of water recycling process and eventually start a debate over the possibility to integrate it inside our houses”, he writes.
I like his draft a lot, because it gets me thinking. It looks beautiful! Can this possibly work? It looks so simple…
Well, for working properly, the system would quite obviously require people without any hair that aren’t really dirty. But that does not matter. It is a wonderful, intriguing test piece for students of all ages to discuss with them the basic principles of ecological engineering. It is a “communication project”, in Jun Yasomotos words. I am looking forward to trying it out as case study in the classroom!
Thanks to Jun Yasumoto and I’m hoping for some more design of this kind.
Andreas Schoenborn